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damn thing online

A manual of sorts, exploring and explaining the ins and outs of love and friendship in the presence of food.

230 big fat pages, including a couple dozen delicious recipes.

A great gift for brides and especially grooms.
The whole wedding party, for that matter.

As seen on Slate.com... " I buy every copy of this manifesto I encounter, passing it on to friends and lovers (or prospective lovers) with the hope that someday they'll apply its advice when cooking for me."
Nick Fauchald, Food & Wine, on Slate.com

Read as much of the book as you like at: cookingascourtship.blogspot.com

(Don't forget to scroll down the pages to find the footnotes.)

If it's paper you desire, then you must pay...
Order your own gorgeous copy now.

Cooking as Courtship by Susan Wiegand

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